
SEIT Services

A Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) is a licensed special education teacher who works with young children with disabilities in early childhood programs and those who are medically fragile at home or in a residential facility.

On behalf of the New York City Department of Education, Optimal Care Services is a provider of Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) services. This program employs certified special education teachers to work with young children with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The student population receiving SEIT services ranges from children who attend general education daycare to children who receive home services. Our SEITs aim to support each child's development in the least restrictive environment possible. This is done by engaging students in various activities that help them achieve the goals set out in their IEP.

The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) coordinates the preschool special education process and works with SEITs to create an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

The Special Education Itinerant Teacher Program serves children ages 2.9 to 5.9. This individualized program operates throughout the 5 boroughs of New York City and utilizes the child's natural environment for learning. SEITs specialize in early interventions and travel to wherever their student is. SEITs can work in classrooms, homes, and schools.

SEITs teach everything from handwashing to board games to turn-taking skills. They help children develop their skills in various areas like behavior, cognitive, communication, language, motor, self-help, and social.

SEITs also collaborate with a student's family, classroom teachers, and other service providers like occupational therapists, speech therapists, and physical therapists to assist their students.